Make Anaconda powered SublimeText as powerful Python IDE for full stack development

Like so many SublimeText lovers, Me as a python developer, it is also one of the favorite editor, I am using but I would like to use  it as full featured IDE. You will find many articles, blogs about how SublimeText can be transformed as pure IDE, but here i will discussed about the most easy way to turn your sublimetext as IDE for full stack python development.

Anaconda  is the single package that is capable to make your editor (SublimeText) as IDE for python development. It has almost all IDE like features, i.e linting, autocomplete, etc. You could say this is all-in-one package, with no third party dependency like SublimeLinter . One of the positive things that it is in continuous development by involvement of many contributors, so you can report any bug/error and the highest possibility, we will get the solution. They have very good documentation as well.

Install and Configuration is easy enough, I would suggest you follow instruction  from their official site, for advanced configuration you could follow here. It is good practice that you make user specific settings those are common for all your projects. Follows are example user settings.

    "auto_formatting": true,
    "auto_python_builder_enabled": false,
    "anaconda_linting": true,
    "anaconda_linter_phantoms": false,
    "validate_imports": true,
    "enable_signatures_tooltip": false,
    "merge_signatures_and_doc": false,
    "pep8_max_line_length": 120

If you saw the example configuration above, I intentionally set the value of  `pep8_max_line_length` is 120 (default is 80), in the other hand you will see that i don’t mention the path of python interpreter because it should goes on project specific settings (*.sublime-project) if you use individual interpreter(i.e virtualenv) for each project.

			"file_regex": "^[ ]*File \"(...*?)\", line ([0-9]*)",
			"name": "PRS:: Anaconda Python Builder",
			"selector": "source.python",
			"shell_cmd": "{virtualenv path}/bin/python -u \"$file\""
			"path": "."
		"python_interpreter": "{virtualenv path}/bin/python"

If you are using buildout for your project development, we have good news for you! There is a recipe plone.recipe.sublimetext for anaconda settings, this recipe will do for you to generate project specific settings. Followings are possible buildout settings for you (but you could do add  more custom option)

parts += 
recipe = plone.recipe.sublimetext
eggs = ${instance:eggs}
anaconda-enabled = True
anaconda-linting-enabled = True
anaconda-completion-enabled = True
anaconda-validate-imports = True